Sunday 4 September 2011

杭州 西湖 West Lake

We decided another morning at West Lake was in order, but first we thought we could check out which bus was the best to take.  As the bus stops are written in Chinese this presented a small problem,  I could read some but as i didnt know the location it wasnt much help.  Easy fixed!  Just hop on the first bus and see where it goes !!!   bus 89  was our first choice - was going in the right direction   but after an 10  minutes or so we ended up back where we started. Ok  so scratch 89 off the list . Next bus along was 73 .. So much better!  can catch it  just a few minutes walk from apartment and  get off about 5 minutes walk from West Lake .

As usual on a Sunday ( well almost any day ) West Lake is crowded with people taking photos.
 heres a few we saw >

An elderly genteman  "writing" Chinese characters on the pavement . He has been doing this for at least 4-5 years that i know of.

After a few hours of photo taking and people watching we decide to go home  only to be "kidnapped" by a well spoken chinese gentleman that asks us to join him and many locals   at "english corner" .  A corner of West Lake known as 六 公园  where many locals converse in english with each other and any english speaking people they can "kidnap" . We spent the next 90 minutes there talking ( i was practising my Chinese ) and having fun .  May even go every sunday ! overwhelmed with many, many enthusiastic chinese people wanting to practise their english on us.

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