Sunday 18 September 2011

The Week

Wayne was having trouble registering into the anthropology classes. They are held at XiXi campus which is just a bike ride away. In the first week we were here he got the run around. Emailing and annoying UWA and of course the contact person was unable to be contacted. He managed  to acquire what he needed to prove he was able to enroll. So after visiting many offices at the international school. We finally were given a name and number of a very helpful lady. After emailing and phoning we decided to go and see her face to face with the info we were given ( meanwhile Wayne was very anxious because classes had already started and we had been Persuing this for a few weeks. Anyway we got a taxi to a 3rd campus and OMG when we ago outof the taxi this campus was huge. We were given help by a random English speaking Chinese who rang the number we had on a piece of paper with the address on and this helpful lady pointed us in the right direction. Easy to fid the tallest skyscraper on the campus. ( lucky for us easy to spot) and Qiao Lijing was more that helpful and Wayne was book into XiXi campus within the hour.

For all Lijing`s efforts we then invited her and her boyfriend to dinner with us on Friday evening. She was very humble and told us it was a pleasure to help and it was her job.
Friday morning was class time and then a Korean lunch was had with class mates sitting on the floor style. Quite uncomfortable at our age but we managed to position ourselves on the back wall for support. Friday evening went across the road to the park and watched the locals ballroom dancing for exercise. Such a lovely site they all dance beautifully.They meet every night at 7pm. that is on our todo list.

On Saturday for some reason Wayne and I suffered Bali belly (Chinese style) all day. NOT FUNNY
Maybe after over indulging international food on Friday.We managed to go to our local cafe (down stairs) at 7pm with a few class mates for a study group and to do homework. I helped a Korean student with her English while Wayne was home working by getting her to read Snow White on my iPad in English. She loved it and so did I.
Managed to skype home on Saturday morning to witness Sharlot birthday cake and present opening it was like we were there with them it was wonderful not to miss out on her special day and watch her play on her new slide and share with Brad,Dellyn,Amanda,Bailee and Sharlot.
Sunday morning we managed to take drugs and go to English corner again on the West Lake. This time we took 4 Americans with us that had not heard of English corner. Caught the bus and were there within half-hour. We were inundated with questions about our culture,family,driving,climate change, politics,koalas,kangaroos,legal issues. For the next 2/3hours. Great fun BUT exhausting.

We then went and had lunch and hit the movies (English speaking Chinese subtitles). To rest up with a huge bucket of popcorn. Actually Chinese popcorn is delicious. They even have chocolate popcorn. Not sure about that after asking for a sample.On the way to the bus home we spotted a childrens fun park like the royal show really that is opened every Sunday. Talk about packed, it was full of very spoilt and happy Chinese children all demanding rides and junk food. On our return home we showered and dived into bed early and watch a DVD called Sparkle which we both very much enjoyed. Oh by the way we managed to go to our favorite black-market DVD store today 80c each always good copies. I am writing this Monday morning while Wayne has had one class and is just about to ride to xixi campus for his first class over that way. Now I am going for a walk. See you all Hope you are enjoying our stories.

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