Thursday 24 November 2011

Yellow Dragon Cave & Folk Custom Garden

There were no Chinese classes today, so after two hours of study we decided to visit the Yellow Dragon Cave and surrounding Gardens , but first we found a great place for lunch. Great food , great service and only aud$18 for both of us!!

 The weather was kind to us today , maybe about 15 degrees but with almost no wind. The place wasn't crowded but we saw many people gathering with friends to chat, play cards, dance and sing.

Among the gardens was this location with stone tablets depicting much sought after virtues. Standing on these tablets and throwing coins into the centre while making a wish. Christine succeeded twice while my efforts were way off target. :" Coins" are purchased from a nearby kiosk , someone is making money from this!!




This terraced area ( Wish- realizing  terrace)  had numerous chains with heart shaped padlocks, which sworn brothers ,lovers and old friends could place a note or keepsake inside and fix the heart uniting  padlock to the chains. 

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