Wednesday 23 November 2011

Eight Diagram Field 八卦田

Eight Diagram Field Relics Park is hidden north of the Qiantang river and south of West Lake. This fresh and quiet place away from Hangzhou has few people walking around as the surrounding hills shield it from the development of the inner city.
The Eight Diagram Field dates back to the Song Dynasty, when the Emperor moved to Hangzhou and created this field to farm for himself. In reality, farmers were paid to work his field, but the crops that form the octagonal shape are still tended today. In this area there are several walkways and bridges, as well as old-style markets to buy vegetables. Several water wheels and wooden irrigation treadmills can be found throughout the landscape and are still put to use today. Eight kinds of crops are planted in this field.
The shape of the field is not easy to distinguish at ground level, a climb to Jade emperor Hill gives you the best view. Although we didn't reach the top after 1000 steps we were able to get a magnificent view from a tea house after a rest of course, It was worth the climb on a gorgeous autumn day.
As a gardener this place was magic.

 a few of the mnay workers that we could see tending the vegetable garden.

Climbing to the top to take photos ment climbing 1000 steps,  some photos along the way .

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