Friday 16 December 2011

Just another day in China

 Our apartment is almost perfect, the location could not be better, only 100 metres from Zhejiang University. Theres at least 3 cafes below us and numerous restuarants within 10 minutes walk from our place. However there is one small problem. The nieghbour that lives above us in apartment 603, at least I think that is where she lives. On reflexion it could be a male but i doubt it. Every day and we mean every day we hear her running around her apartment in what we think are her high heel shoes . There are a maximum of 9 steps YES we have counted them!!  back and forth from one end of her apartment to the other , Please remember that the apartment ( if the same as ours) is only about 8metres x 8 metres.This racket goes on for hours, we thought she was running late for work every day and was quickly getting ready  , bedroom to bathroom and back and forward again and again as girls do. . 

Today I decided I had enough and posted the following notice onto her door.[ i`m counting on the fact that there is a very minimum chance that a 180cm muscle bound guy lives there ( remember we are in China hahha) .

Hello neighbour,

Christmas is coming soon, can I buy you a pair of soft shoes. Everyday I hear your shoes on the floor , it seems you are running  inside your apartment. Why? 
So, can I buy you a pair of soft shoes or can you please stop running?

圣诞节很快来临,能我买您一个对软的鞋子。 每天我在地板,它上听见您的鞋子似乎您跑在您的公寓里面。 为什么? 
  what she should wear

what we think she wears

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