Saturday 29 October 2011

Chinese Tea Museum followed by Green Tea Restaurant for lunch.

This morning we took mum to a Chinese Tea museum a taxi ride away.
I t was set in a beautiful garden over many acres where tea is grown. We were taken to a lovely place where we were seated and shown the art of tea tasting. Sampling many different types of tea some tasty and some not so tasty. Poured with TLC by a lovely Chinese lady. This process was quite lengthy but very relaxing. We then of course were shown through their show room where our purchases were made. Worth the morning though.

We then decided to go to the popular Green Tea Restaurant just within walking distance. I t is so popular you take a ticket and wait. After about 40 minutes we were shown to our seat and the tasting of this popular restaurant began. It did not disappoint. Menu's were given to you while waiting so orders were taken quickly.
Our Menu as ordered

Vegetable salad
Egg steamed with minced pork
Garden green fried with eggplant
Cheese baked mushrooms
Bacon asparagus
Sweet and sour pork. See photo
Bread Temptation. Let me explain
Half an uncut white loaf of bread with the bread cut out into cubes and placed back inside the loaf with a scoop of ice cream on top. HOT
Sounds gross BUT yummy. Check out the photo!

All this with 3 Drinks was 188¥ about $30

Very enjoyable Saturday Lunch

P.S. The 2 buses home were'nt that enjoyable.


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