After trying to find a job that suits our situation in china without any success. Not because of lack of experience but days,times and locations did not suit me. I have decide to do volunteer work. I have been in Hangzhou for about 2 months now. And have walked down a quaint local lane many times. Buzzing with Chinese families trying to make ends meet amongst the high rise of the modern china.
We did not notice construction going on behind a closed gate because in china workers blanket a construction site so you cannot see what is going on to keep the environment from looking like a builders site.
On my return from my week in Australia after walking my mother down the lane I notice a very flash set of new gates I have not noticed before. On further investigation I find we have a new local community kindergarten just 3 minutes from our apartment,infact I can see the ornate gates from our lift window. I was told the school opened on the 8th October.
Perfect, so off I go to investigate it was about 1pm only to be told by the two guards at the locked gate that the children and TEACHERS have a sleep in the afternoon. So I decided to come back at 3pm when the children finished school. Arriving at 3pm i was taken to the principles office. The principles name is Amy and she only spoke limited English. After much laughter I told her I would come back at 5pm with my husband who has limited Chinese.FUN! anyway at 5pm Wayne and I were once again let in the gate by 2 batton twirling guards and we met Amy who also convinced an english speaking friend to come help us communicate. So the four of us discussed my intention to do volunteer work, and we all shared much laughter and departed Very happy after about 2 hours. I was asked to start the day after next to meet and greet the children, parents/grandparents at the heavily guarded gate with Amy. You can imagine military style , two guards with batons the principle,nurse and myself individually greet everyone every morning.
I came prepared with stickers and a very smily face.
The nurse also sat at the gate behind a folding table and checked all the students by looking into their mouths and looking at their hands. Apparently she does this every morning.
An old foreigner standing at the gate greeting small chinese children first thing in the morning before class was a bit to much for some of them but others were not fazed. I did really well with my stickers only a few refusals even got a hi five from one of them.
LOVED IT. Back on Saturday ( once off) and Amy has asked me to please help out at this stage on Tuesday's and Thursday.
OH , she gave me 2 stories books in Chinese to read to the children next week in English.
Wayne will be doing more homework roughly interpreting these kindi story books into English for me . Very good practice don't you think?
I need to take my iPod for interpreting next time would be easier than Amy ringing a friend and the friend talking to me. All good fun.
WE received this email this morning inviting us to an excursion on Sunday.we are Looking forward to it!!!
Hi Christine:
In this Sunday our Daddy’s Cub will visit Tong Lu for a Bee’s couture day, during the visit every families will experience the activities of real hunny production and orange harvest. We would love to invite you and your husband to join us.
The schedule is:
8:30 Feng Hua Fu Di Nursary (Hua Xin road No. 6-2)
8:30--10:00 On the bus to Tong Lu
10:00--12:00 Visit the Bee’s factory and make candles
12:00—13:00 Having Lunch
13:30--15:00 To the orange garden, experience the orange harvest, every family can take 8kg oranges.
15:00—16:30 Come back to Hangzhou